
ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001:2018


ISO45001 is a professional standard for occupational health and safety management, which was launched in 2018.

In order to prevent accidents and problems and reduce risks to employers and economies, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

45001 has been collected

ISO45001 contains rules and guidelines to help organizations take effective action and create an appropriate environment to improve the safety and health of employees Hazard risk in a low environment.

Strive to take the necessary measures to create favorable and safe conditions in the workplace and reduce the resulting harm and injury.

ISO45001 standards follow ISO14001 and ISO9001 standards and are well aligned with these standards.

The occupational health and safety management system helps organizations protect their most important assets and human resources from past dangers and injuries Harm and promote the development and progress of the working environment.

The purpose of ISO45001 is to reduce occupational injuries and diseases.

According to many health and safety experts, including ISO committee experts, ISO45001 is an improvement.

It is very important because it connects enterprises at all levels (regardless of the size and type of activities) to an effective measures that can be developed and promoted Lay the way for an international framework.